C.S Lewis, the British novelist who wrote Narnia, once said “Isn’t it funny how day by day nothing changes, but when you look back everything is different”.
Everything certainly is different, especially when we compare ourselves to two years ago. Had we known that a pandemic was ahead of us at the beginning of 2020, we may have been a little more prepared.
But the reality is that hindsight is always a wonderful thing, but the danger is when we don’t learn from it. Whether that is on a global or national scale, or even locally within our own communities and families – learning from our own mistakes and that of others is what has helped many people grow and develop personally and professionally.
During these next few months, we observe International Women’s Day on Tuesday 8th March, and see April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Days and months like these should cause us to reflect on the years passed within our society, and remember that although things have changed, much has remained the same.
Two things that remain the same are that the highest rates of people who die through domestic and family violence are women, and the highest rates of suicide are among men. That is why Reconcile Life is committed to helping and supporting men to come to the best realisation possible for themselves, in relation to both their personal relationships and family wellbeing.
We believe in learning from the past, working towards healing for our present and building hope for our future. Safe families are informed families and informed families are resilient families. We also know that our services to men, women, and children can have a profound personal impact of seeing things from a different perspective.
Reconcile Life delivers school age Healthy Relationships Sessions at both schools and externally, Communication Workshops, and three-day Healthy Relationships camps and workshops that also coincide with their 12-week Behavioural Change Programs. These are available for schools, sporting clubs and teams, workforce teams and general team building activities.
Contact us today and check us out on Facebook, Instagram or YouTube @reconcile_life or go to www.reconcilelife.com.au