Dear Katrina,
What are the benefits of creating a Parenting Plan?
A Parenting Plan is an agreement in writing that is or was made between the parents of a child.
It is signed by the parents of the child, is dated, and it deals with matters such as whom the child lives with, the time a child spends with each parent, the allocation of parental responsibility for a child, communication arrangements, maintenance, and any aspect of the care, welfare or development of the child.
A Parenting Plan should also include the process to be used for resolving disputes about the terms or operation of the plan or changing the plan in the future.

The benefits of creating a Parenting Plan include:
- Parents can make their own decisions about what to include in the Parenting Plan which suits their individual circumstances.
- A Parenting Plan can be changed at any time if both parents agree.
- Parents have control over the contents of the Plan and the process.
- It’s flexible and easy to sign.
- It saves time, legal costs and the stress of having to be in the Court system.
- Parents can cancel or change a Parenting Plan at any time by making a new written, dated and signed agreement.
Parenting Plans are a great way for parents who communicate, co-parent and trust each other to document their arrangements with some flexibility. We strongly recommend that parents obtain legal advice about whether a Parenting Plan may or may not be right for their situation.