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Do you have a disability and want to know what NDIS Home and Living options are available to you?

Are you planning for life transitions such as leaving school or moving out of home?

The NDIS offer a range of Home and Living options.

Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA): SDA is a specialist housing solution designed to meet the needs of individuals with extreme functional impairment or very high support needs. SDA funding is for accommodation, not supports. Participants still need to contribute to rent and arrange any personal supports they may require.

Supported Independent Living (SIL): SIL funding is used to pay workers to provide assistance with daily living tasks. The aim is to assist individuals to live independently. Often people living in SIL will have housemates with a disability and support is provided under a 24/7 model. SIL does not cover the cost of accommodation, this is at the participant’s expense. However, NDIS providers may be able to provide low-cost housing options or participants may be eligible for community housing options.

Individualised Living Options (ILO): ILO is a very exciting model of care that is customised to meet individual needs. It allows people to choose the home they want to live in and set up supports in a way that best suits them. It may be sharing a house with friends, having a housing host or connecting with a community that can provide informal supports. ILO will provide flexible funding for supports but does not cover the cost of accommodation.

Would you like to learn more and have assistance to navigate NDIS Home and Living options?

An NDIS Support Coordinator or ILO Coordinator can assist you to explore your options and design a model of supports and housing that best suits you. We encourage you to reach out to the MADEC team to discuss how we can assist you.

Contact us at to discuss how we can assist you. Our friendly team are ready to help!