Adeona Mackay
Adeona is a unique service that combines the natural world and exploration, encouraging responsibility, open investigation and respect.
The centre offers all the essentials your child will need for the day, including delicious and nutritious morning teas, lunches, and afternoon teas, as well as hats and sunscreen for outside play. There is also a Japanese teacher engaging children in bilingual experiences. The centre is open Monday to Friday, 7.00am – 5.30pm, for children aged 2 – 5 years old.
A 63 Celeber Dr, Andergrove
P 4942 5563

Pioneer Community Kindergarten
Pioneer Community Kindergarten is fully air conditioned and the magnificent outdoor environment is unsurpassed. Kindy programs run 5 days per fortnight (M, T and alt W) or (Th, F and alt W) from 8.30am – 2.35pm OR 4 days per fortnight (M and T) or (Th and F) 8.00am – 3.30pm.
A 10 High Street, North Mackay
P 4942-3340 E admin@pioneerkindy.org.au
F Pioneer Community Kindergarten

Goodstart Early Learning Centre
At Goodstart, they’re all about laying the foundation for a lifelong love of learning through exciting early learning experiences. They focus on the importance of early language and communication and they encourage children to take risks in a safe environment to build confidence and self-belief. Additionally, they help your child develop coordination, creative expression, communication skills and social awareness through dance, creative play and intentional and inspiring learning experiences.
A Macalister Street, Shakespeare Street, Bridge Road, North Mackay, Mount Pleasant, Andergrove, Rural View, Eimeo, Walkerston
P 1800 222 543
E enrolments@goodstart.org.au
F Goodstart Early Learning

Kookaburra Child Care Centre
At Kookaburra Child Care Centre, yummy meals are prepared daily, there are large spacious playing areas both indoors and outdoors and a minimum of three educators in each room. Respectful, secure relationships are built with the children and they are all viewed as capable and successful learners. Children are allowed to take the time to get to know themselves, face challenges and enjoy all the simple pleasure of everyday life, from 7.00am – 6.00pm weekdays.
A 256 Bedford Rd, Andergrove
P 4955 2398
E admin@kookaburrachildcare.com.au
F Kookaburra Child Care Centre

Snugglepot Kindyland Education and Care Centre
Located conveniently close to Mackay’s city centre, Snugglepot Kindyland features a grass play area, a wide range of natural toys with sunscreen and hats provided – all in an environment that recognises your child’s individuality. The programs focus on children’s development and views their lives as characterised by Belonging, Being and Becoming. Give your child a great start to life in the nurturing, safe and secure learning environment provided here, from 6.30am – 6.30pm.
A 51 Grendon St, North Mackay
P 4957 4466
E info@snugglepotkindy.com.au
F Snugglepot Kindyland Education and Care Centre

Mackay Family Day Care
Safe, positive and inspiring services taking place in a home-based learning environment conducted by passionate, dedicated educators. The small care groups allow the educators to foster a strong bond with your child and guide them through early learning and social development. Flexible hours are offered to suit your family, from standard hours to after and before school care as well as school holiday care.
A 23 Rae Street, Mackay
P 4965 9999
E admin@mcdc.com.au
F Mackay Family Day Care

Wonder Kids Early Learning
Wonder Kids believe children develop best when their days are filled with play, learning and fun, and this is reflected in their service featuring a waterpark, sandpit and obstacle courses. Children from age 6 weeks to 4 years old are accommodated and the comprehensive programs are delivered enthusiastically by the team of highly qualified educators. They strive to help your child develop a variety of skills and grow. Open 6.00am – 6.00pm.
A 1 Youngs Lane, Walkerston
P 4959 3500
E director1@wonderkids.com.au
F Wonder Kids Early Learning Centre

C & K Childcare and Kindergarten
C & K has educated and cared for over one million children since being established in 1907. They offer a strong play-based curriculum in large, natural and sustainable outdoor environments that encourage children to discover, explore and learn through nature. Programs include nature play, risk play, STEM, literacy and language and much more. Empowerment, respect, inclusion and fairness are all promoted and every child is provided with the foundations to be a lifelong learner.
A 15 various locations in the Mackay region
P 1800 177 092
F C&K – The Creche & Kindergarten Association Limited

Green Leaves Early Learning
This great facility provides innovative and flexible learning. Children have their voices heard and are encouraged to explore their own interests and ideas through play-based learning, challenges and meaningful experiences. There is a bike track, timber play fort and a performance stage. Family and community are central to Green Leaves Early Learning and are provided with a lounge to relax in. Additionally, a fully qualified chef makes nutritious snacks and meals for the children each day.
A 2 – 4 Discovery Lane, Mt Pleasant
P 4862 3584
F Green Leaves Early Learning

Community Kids Glenella Early Education Centre
Children’s individual religious, nutritional and cultural needs are catered for here and the centre is designed to meet the unique needs of every child. The outdoor environment includes native plants, vegetable and herb gardens, fruit trees, and well-loved pets which include chickens, a bird and a guinea pig. Children can get actively involved in feeding and caring for them. A friendly cook also prepares nutritious meals, plus there are also fun excursions.
A 21 – 23 Schapers Road, Glenella
P 4942 9486
E glenella@communitykids.com.au
F Community Kids

Mackay Cubbie House
This locally owned centre ensures high quality care that is developmentally appropriate as well as providing meals. It is open from 6.15am to 6.15pm on weekdays for parents who may start and / or finish later, and families are always welcome within the centre. Educators are dedicated, trained, experienced and qualified to help your child develop and grow.
A 16 Beaconsfield Rd, Beaconsfield
P 4942 7700
E mackaycubbiehouse@bigpond.com
F Mackay Cubbie House Child Care & Educational Centre